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Schools & Research Institutes / Centers & The Library

Graduate Schools / Schools

*1 Invitation of applicants for the Graduate School of Letters, Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, School of Informatics and Sciences, and Graduate School of Information Science has been discontinued.

*2 The laboratory has been accredited as an educational collaboration platform by MEXT.

Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Doctoral Education Consortium

Asian Satellite Campuses Institute

Research Institutes

*1 The institutes have been accredited as collaborative research platforms by MEXT.

University Library

Inter-Departmental Education and Research Centers, etc.

Inter-University Service Facilities

*1 The center and the institutes have been accredited as collaborative research platforms by MEXT.

Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports

Nagoya University Institute for Advanced Study (NAIAS)

Institute for Advanced Research

Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules

Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe

Institute of Innovation for Future Society

Technical Center